Saturday, December 18, 2004

Love of Christ in action?

Reading the news today I found a survey by Cornell University stating that almost half of Americans want to limit the civil liberties of Muslim-Americans.

This struck me as odd. Why should people be limited? It's racism. We all complain about racism, yet we feel like we should hold back their rights. It's as if we think that a persons faith makes them less of a person.

Here is what lead me to blog:
"Cornell University found that Republicans and people who described themselves as highly religious were more apt to support curtailing Muslims' civil liberties than Democrats or people who are less religious."

So, how do religious people justify? Here we sit, people of "religion" saying we don't want other people of "religion" to have rights. Wait... Don't we throw fits when Christians are persecuted? I think as Christians, we should be out there on the front lines saying how much we feel these Muslim-Americans deserve freedom of religion and freedom from oppression. Our country is founded on the idea (not always acted out, but still...) that no one should be forced out of a religion because of the state. So, let's step up as Christians (and non-Christians) and fight this oppression of our "religious" brothers and sisters!

Christ said that his people would be persecuted... we Christians are not getting too much of that here, but the Muslims are... something to think about.

1 comment:

curtis said...

Lucas' exegesis is much better, and thus I must agree with Jeff and Lucas- we do need to love these people more.

It saddens me that Christians aren't ever criticized for being too loving.