Saturday, January 15, 2005

My Struggle

So, I’m just going to be upfront and honest with all my readers here… I’ve got about $700 to my name right now. I tell you this because I am wrestling with a few things. First thing being, I want a mac laptop. The one I want is only $990, but my 700 is already going to be eaten up by rent, phone bill, and other such things. I also need to think future, but the laptop is my way of looking future. I am a worship leader, all worship leaders need mac laptops. I can’t run powerpoint without some means of powerpointage. So, if someone has a mac they don’t want, I’ll take it, or if someone knows of some good deals… let me know.

The real reason I tell you I only have $700 is this: I know that Christ’s call for us to help the helpless, feed the hungry, house the homeless, and give to those who are in need is not just a nice thought. It is essential to our following. So, here I sit, almost broke, finding myself led to help those in need. But can I? If I do, will I not soon be one of those in need? My parents are my source of income until I get a job. Then this thought crosses my mind, “at least I can get a job.” I mean, have an interview Monday. How many people would kill for an interview? So, I need some input, mom and dad, you can comment too (you just click post comment and log in as anonymous.) ;) Should I not follow the call of Christ or should I sort of realize I am in need and my parents are helping me and once I get money and a place to live, then I can help… but Christ doesn’t say that.. dang it. He says we are to give everything to follow him and if giving is included in following then I shouldn’t worry about saving up for myself, I mean what good is my security if there are millions in poverty. I can at least help can’t I? Oh, I am so struggling with this.


Ryan Lee Sharp said...

I always think of the widow and her two mites and how many of us think that once we have much then we will begin to live generously as Christ calls. But don't confuse that with guilted giving. Paul said just make up your mind what to give and just do it.

Another thing that I have seen in my life is that I want to give, but not have to give up, you know? Living with credit cards kinda makes that possible. So, if you have some money 'alotted' for cable or something new or whatever and you feel inclined to give some money away, use that money. That way it's not just 'some' money, it's specific money, you know?

CodyBrock said...

Can you get a Mac with a payment plan? That way, you put "x" amount of money down, and can pay as you go along (praying for your interview today by the way). Then, you have money left over for the bills you have. And finally, for those in need. How much money are we talking here? You and I went to McDonald's and bought that homeless man a Big Mac meal. That was like 6 bucks with coffee AND the drink. You don't think that's good enough? You don't have to spend your last two mites to demonstrate Christ in you. I think Ryan made a great point when he mentioned not to be guilted in giving. Pray about it, and find a compromise. God bless bro.

Heddah said...

I feel that if Christ is calling you to do something He will provide. He doesn't ask us to do something and then screw us over. And he also tells us not to worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough worry of it's own. Trust in Him and He will take care of you. Never ignore God's calling.

Jeffrey said...

Luke and Heather, I agree with you both, but I also think we overinterpret the "desires" of our heart. I don't believe money is a desire of the heart, nor is food, nor drink... I think the desires of our heart are Christ, Joy, Love. All can be found in Christ. Here's the deal, the three homeless people I saw today had more joy on their face and love in their eyes than the man I see in the mirror. Is that because my desires are out of want, not need. One homeless woman today looked as though she'd love scraps of food, while I feel I'd like a big steak. Maybe, just maybe, we take for granted our situation. Maybe by me giving up my cable money, I WON'T get that back. But I will get a desire of my heart. Joy. The joy I recieve is the look of gratitude on some homeless mans face. Not being able to watch HBO or Showtime. That is not joy, that is empty pleasure. Wow, this is almost long enought to be a post. PEACE.