Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I'm sure I'm going to get fired...

Got a call from Jesse this morning. He's another intern here, great guy. Anyway, he calls to tell me we are going to be having a coffee meeting with some Erwin McManus video. Cool, he's an emergent guy. Turns out no one could find the video, so instead... we talked eschatology. Maybe you've read on my blog before, but I hate eschatology. I think it is a waste of our time. We sat and watched these seminary videos putting down everything but the pre-millinial view. Now, I am not against that view, well, yes I am. More important though... who could we have helped or talked to someone instead of talking about the end times. Cause honestly, if there is a rapture.. oh well, I was wrong. If not, oh well, you were wrong. If both of us are wrong, it doesn't matter, it's not the heart of following Jesus... which by my best guess is why Jesus NEVER talked about it....

So, can we stop?

1 comment:

Ryan Lee Sharp said...

The interesting thing is that eschatology was very important to Jesus, but not the kind we think of usually.

You see the Kingdom of God was his eschatology... as Walsh and Keesmaat say, "It's a already/not yet" kind of eschatology.

History is going somewhere...

If you haven't read Brian's "The Story We Find Ourselves In", you might pick it up. It has a very cool way of understanding eschatology that helped me rescue that somewhat dirty word from the likes of LaHaye and Biola.