Friday, January 27, 2006

Guilty Pleasures?

Thanks, thanks alot for picking me Stacey... I've been tagged, not with spray paint, but with this guilty pleasures quiz. So here they are.

1. Myspace. I know, it's the devils website, but somehow, I get so excited everytime I see "New Messages!" It's like, a deep joy in my heart. But I don't have emo picks up, don't worry.

2. Stacey guessed this one, Apple Computers. Everyday I check the website for updates. I love it. I even buy MacAddict magazine.

3. Music Stores. Both CD and instrument shops. I love just looking through them. I don't have to buy, just browse. So much fun.

4. Independent Stuff. Movies, Music, Art. I love the rawness of indie stuff. No one telling the artist what it's SUPPOSED to look like. for a list of my favorite indie movies, leave a comment.

5. And finally. My guiltiest pleasure... Project Runway. Which Stacey also guessed. I LOVE that show. Daniel Vosovic is my hero. He is an amazing designer and he seems to have a good heart. Nick Verreos, well, he's second... Santino Rice... Go away.

So, I'll Tag Paula... Do you even still read mine? If you don't post yours, I'll have to change my tag...


nikki })i({ said...

So I wanna know the list. I love getting recommendations from people and checking out new movies.

Brittany said...

yeah, something flutters in my heart when I see new messages too...myspace..grrrr.I'm addicted

Ryan Lee Sharp said...

Holly loves her PROJECT RUNWAY as well... and Daniel is her favorite as well. Down with Santino! (In love, of course...)