Monday, January 30, 2006

My List

Here ya go...

The Color of Paradise - An Iranian film about a blind boy and his struggle of living in a poor community with his less-than-caring father. Truly heart-wrenching.

Children of Heaven - Another Iranian film about a young bot and his even younger sister growing up with loving parents who can afford only one new pair of shoes a year for their kids. The movie is just a few days out of their life. No big plot. No twists no turns. Lot's of tears.

Pieces of April - Before she dated Tom, she was a good actress, and Katie Holmes was perfect in this film. A girl, estranged from her family makes one ditch effort to get back on good terms... the ending may or may not surprise you...

I have more, but I can't think of them all... Get those and I promise you won't regret it...

1 comment:

nikki })i({ said...

Thanks Jeff! I actually saw Pieces of April last year, cause my roommate had it and I had remembered you talking about it. And I did like it. I will for sure check out the other two and let you know what I think. Thanks! Hope you are well.