Sunday, October 01, 2006

Waiting for the world to change...

Well, it's been since April. I'm back. I don't have much to say except life is good. Stace and I have such a great time living life. She's officially a nursing student. And I'm officially back in school with Political Science as a major.

Here are my life updates. I don't work for a church anymore. I miss it off and on. Miss the interaction and the growth. Don't miss the political bull.

I am now working for the man. I am a Dell sales rep. I am at the highest possible sales rep level before taking a pay decrease to become a manager. I gotta admit, it's a fun job. And you can all shake your heads, but you are reading this via computer, whether Mac, Dell, or other... so... yeah.

My dear friend is signing his life away on the 8th to join a pointless losing battle, but I love him, so I support him, not his decision.

On that note, I best go before I get pessimistic. But, trust me, I'll be back on here soon.

Love and miss you all!


ashdown said...

its about freakin time. all i have to say...

oh and glad to see you back...

miss ya bro. seattle forever!

Ryan Lee Sharp said...

He re-emerges!

Love to hear what you're learning as a Poli-Sci. I'm kinda thinking of going back to school for a second degree in history and then perhaps do some grad work, but we'll see.

Glad Dell has been a good landing spot for you.

Brittany said...

hey I haven't been on here in forever, just thought I'd say hi:)